We are please to announce that we have resumed our services.
Jummah Khutabah will be conducted by the Professor Alim From States.
We request you all to join hands to fight the pandemic and support the needy.

Category: Programs

Join us for SMA Community Family Night - Talk & Potluck. The topic of discussion will be OUR NABI MUHAMMAD SAW - A Family Man with Sh. Hesham Alaghbari Insha'Allah on Saturday...

Where are your kids going to be on October 31st? At the masjid Insha'allah! For ages 4-13: Thursday October 31 from 6:00 PM to 8:00 PMCost: $10/participant (Pizza + Candy included)Join Us for: ...

Bismillah, toddler story nights during the fall, details in flyer above. Insha'allah it will be ran by Tr Aftaab and Tr Fozia.Register using the Google Form below or the following link: https:/...

Bismillah, Fall Boys Quran with Tr Jamal Sunday evenings IA Register with the link:  October 20th to December 8th Insha'A...

Program Information SMA Al-Mohsineen Youth Islamic Leadership Development Program5 Levels - Ages 12 to 18Fees: $25/month Islamic leadership based on Quran and Sunnah...

SMA Sunday School onsite at 1469 Stittsville Main Street with a focus on Quran recitation circles and fun with coding and crafts for ages 7 to 12. Spots are still available.Register: ...

SMA Saturday School focuses on Islamic Studies, Quran, and Salat. The camps serve as an opportunity for kids to connect with others their age and reside in an Islamic environment that they may not be recieving during their regular elementary schoo...

Salam, SMA volunteers are looking forward to meeting our neighbors at our upcoming coffee house on Sunday Oct 27 from 2 pm to 3:30 pm to break bread together God willing. Please register below. ...

SMA offers a variety of camps throughout the year, notably being the summer and march break. These camps focus on specific themes, building the character of all the kids as they try to be the best of themselves. The camps serve as an opportunity f...

Stay updated on the Ramadan 2024 announcement from the Council of Imams of Ottawa-Gatineau (CIOG) here iA. ...

Weekly halaqa for men every Saturday and Sunday after Fajr, followed by a light breakfast. This halaqa is open to all ages with a variety of topics/themes, including better understanding of the Qur’an and Sunnah and applying ...

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